A monolith rising from the jungle
Imagine yourself at the top of a skycrapper having a nice cocktail and chilling out. Imagine yourself contemplating the view , thinking you are at the quintessence of your inner peace. Imagine being in the late 80s where technological and social evolution happened.
This is what we offer at Le Chateau Plaza, the new corporate virtual leisure experience of Second Life. The whole idea behind this place is to offer a 80/90s themed business center in Second Life where residents can work remotely at home while being on a corporate place in SL.
The Plaza is using rezzers to reduce lag and prims usage on the sim. On each floors click the rezzer panel to rez the scene.
Le Chateau Plaza design is inspired by the "Tour Pleyel" in Paris and the original World Trade Center twin towers.

Visit our Capitalism Temple, the Mall
Le Chateau Mall is a mall inspired by the 80s, Vaporwave and Mallsoft/Late Night music. Look around you, chill, vapid, consumerism. No anxiety crisis. The only sounds are the faint mall music and the occasional person walking by in the mostly deserted building.
The Mall is a tribute to a Vaporwave subgenre called Mallsoft. Often based on corporate lounge music, it is meant to conjure images of shopping malls, grocery stores and lobbies.
​The Mall features several designer stores specifically chosen by Le Chateau staff for their 80's inspired creations. Some of Le Chateau Merchs creations are also available to purchase on site at the mall.