The Rules
General Rules
This estate is a LGBTQ+ friendly 1980s / 1990s themed estate community. With a kitsch and cheesy atmosphere and non-stop flowing exotic cocktails, a mix between French and American "80s'" culture atmosphere.
All rules stated in SecondLife ToS are to be obeyed while on sim. Violation of such will result in a perma ban and a report to linden labs.
Second Life Terms of Service https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions
1. About your avatar
Le Chateau is a human only avatar place. We realize that some of you prefer not to be human, i.e. Furries or Animes but we are looking for a realistic experience across the estate. Most human avatars wearing discreet elf ears, horns, legs such as faun legs etc, dressed in appropriate clothing, will be taken under individual consideration. Also please remember that we are in 2023, mesh bodies and heads exists even for free! We value the importance of the land's design so kindly please make an effort.
2. Must be 18+ Years of Age to Play
You agree that you are of 18+ years of age and are a legal consenting adult.
3. No Ageplay
All characters must appear 18+ while on land due to mature themes and sexual content.
4. Language
Le Chateau is a Multinational land, meaning there are several different nationalities involved in the creation and upkeep of the land. Because of this the land caters to not only just English speakers but also French. Please be polite and courteous with players of all nationalities. Use a translator when necessary.
5. No Promoting other places
Le Chateau fosters a spirit of friendliness and cooperation with other places that we deem to be friends, and we're constantly reaching out to add more to our circle. However, announcing your own events at non-affiliated clubs or places either in local or group chat is a wretched thing to do, so please refrain from doing so.
6. Privacy, Tranquility and dress code
You may find a few rental around. Please respect the privacy and tranquility of the residents. We recommend a 1980s / 1990s dress code as well in the whole resort but this is not mandatory.
7. Be polite !
Be polite to everyone in the estate. Please ask permission before sitting on an object with someone else already on it, such as a chair or a sofa. Respect the privacy of the rooms, if you notice a room is occupied, please ask before entering. Also, please keep your naughty messages private!
8. Adult stuff
Adult action is not allowed in any public place except in your rentals if you rented one of them. NO nudity allowed in the whole resort.
Don't hesitate to use the conveniences that are available to you and have fun!
► If a staff member IMs you with a request to comply with any of these rules or other issues, please do so at once.
► Abuse or harassment on the officers will not be tolerated.
Thank you and we appreciate the support. ❤
Rental Rules
Updated April 2024
Thank you for being interested in renting in our 1980s / 1990s themed community at Le Chateau! Please take the time to carefully read these guidelines.
R U L E S & I N F O S
After paying the rental box, you will need to accept the group invitation sent by our bot (lechateauconcierge) in order to rez your furnishings
No refunds.
Le Chateau is a human only avatar place. We realize that some of you prefer not to be human, i.e. Furries or Animes. Most human avatars wearing elf ears, horns, discreet legs such as faun legs, fantasy skin colors etc, dressed in appropriate clothing, will be taken under individual consideration by the owners and officers. All decisions by owners and staff will be final. Also please remember that we are in 2024, mesh bodies and heads exists even for free! We value the importance of the land's design so kindly please make an effort.
No Children avatars. You agree that you are of 18+ years of age and are a legal consenting adult. All characters must appear 18+ while on land due to mature themes and sexual content.
Please remember to pick up your vehicles on the public parking lots and not leaving them with the land management group. Regarding vehicles, we kindly request that all tenants consider using vintage cars from the previous century to maintain the 80s aesthetic of the estate. However, modern vehicles are still permitted.
We ask all tenants to decorate your lodgings with appropriate furniture and decor. 70s/80s/90s furniture and decorations are strongly recommended. It is highly important to ensure that the overall look and style of the estate stays the same, so please keep it realistic and true to the theme and the essence of the sim you are living on. If you are confused about the era's furniture styles, there are plenty of websites and books online to aid you. Alternatively, do not hesitate to ask any of the management staff and/or our roleplay group to learn more about which pieces to look for and where to find them in Second Life.
All objects must be within the boundaries of your rental.
You are free to set skybox within your parcel limits, at the minimum height of 3000 meters.
Make sure objects does not visually or physically exceed your rental space on a permanent basis.
If you place objects with hovertext, make sure the hovertext does not bleed through the floor and/or walls.
The staff tries their best so that the surroundings look at the best of what SL has to offer in 2024. We ask that our renters do so as well by using quality mesh items and such.
Le Chateau management reserves the right to have tenants make changes to their setup and will not hesitate to ask tenants to remove any outdoor object, tree, grass, bush that does not conform with the theme.
We ask you to please keep within your prim limits. Similarly, we discourage the use of heavy scripts and massive range particles, as it may affect not only your own viewer's performance, but also those around you.
Sails may not be permanently raised in a slip.
Houseboats are a matter of approval BEFORE rezzing them. Unapproved house boats will be returned.
If your rent is overdue, you have 48 hours to pay outstanding rent. You can contact the management if you are going to be late on payments, It will be assumed abandoned if no contact with Le Chateau was made.
Le Chateau management reserves the right to evict with no delay if "won't renew" is ticked on your rental unit.
About "The Mansions at the Country Club" only, to maintain the visual harmony that defines our idyllic setting, we kindly remind you of a crucial policy concerning property adornments. Please refrain from installing decorations, furniture, or any other items in the front gardens of your residences. This measure aims to preserve the aesthetics and integrity of the surrounding golf landscape, creating a peaceful ambiance for each of us.
However, we understand the significance of using your golf equipment, particularly your golf caddies. You are permitted to keep them in your driveways for convenience as well as your personal car.
To express your creativity and beautify your outdoor space, we encourage you to utilize your backyard for placing decorative objects. This practice ensures the overall beauty of our community while granting you a private space to customize your home to your preferences.
Also please note that renting a mansion at the country club does not grant you access to the Executive Club group. If you want to access the country club amenities, you must join the Executive Club.
If you want to add someone as subtenant, do the following:
• Click rental unit
• Select "Tenant" Submenu
• Select "Add Tenant"
• Type SL account name into the box on the next popup
• Click "Send"
- If they still didn't recieve a group invite they may:
• Click the rental unit
• Select "Grp Invite" option